Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Video — The Doors: "Hello, I Love You"

Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?
H_______________________, I love you
Let me jump in your game
Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your n____________________?
Hello, I love you
Let me jump in your g_____________________

She's walking down the s___________________
Blind to every eye she meets
Do you think you'll be the guy
To make the queen of the a_____________________ sigh?

H____________________, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I l___________________ you
Let me jump in your game
Hello, I love you
Won't you t___________________  me your name?
Hello, I love you
Let me j____________________ in your game

She holds her head so high
Like a statue in the s______________________
Her arms are wicked, and her l________________ are long
When she moves my brain screams out this song

Sidewalk crouches at her feet
Like a dog that begs for something s____________________
Do you hope to make her see, you fool?
Do you h____________________  to pluck this dusky jewel?

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello
I want you
I need my baby
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello

Angels – ángeles
Arms – brazos
Blind - ciego/a
Brain - cerebro
Crouches - se agazapa
Eye - ojo
Feet - pies
Fool - tonto
Game - juego
Guy - tipo
Head - cabeza
High - alto
Hope - esperar
I love you – te amo
Jewel – joya
Jump - saltar
Legs - piernas
Let - dejar
Long - largo/a
Meets – se encuentra
Name - nombre
Queen - reina
Sidewalk - acera
Sigh – suspirar
Sky - cielo
Song - canción
Street - calle
Sweet – dulce
Tell me - dime
Think - pensar
Walking - caminando


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Verb "To Be"

Grammar — Verb to be (ser/estar)

Infinitive (infinitivo)
Past (pasado)
Past Participle (participio pasado)
Gerund (gerundio)

 I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not
I’m not
You’re not
He’s not
She’s not
It’s not
We’re not
You’re not
They’re not
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Raiders vs Archaeologists

In the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones is an archaeologist searching for the Lost Ark. The Nazis are villains and raiders. They violently and destructively raid ancient sites and remove valuable artifacts. Is Indiana Jones also a raider? Is he violent and destructive?

Police Raid London Homes

In this video, police raid the home of a suspected criminal and remove him and stolen goods from his home. A raid is violent, destructive, and sudden. 

Viking Raiders

In this video, Viking raiders land in Britain. The Vikings raid villages where they destroy homes and steal food, property, and livestock. 

Archaeologist Howard Carter and Tutankhamen

Howard Carter was an archaeologist. He entered Tutankhamen's tomb and found valuable objects. He documented his finds and shared them with the world. He was not violent. He was very careful to preserve and protect what he found. He was not a raider.